The identifier of FSDB is represented in the form of EFkOn,
where E is the data type (E for the experimental data and P for the prediction data),
F is the frametype (P for + frameshift and M for - frameshift),
k is the number of nucleotides shifted,
O is the organism type (V for viruses, P for prokaryota, and E for eukaryota), and
n is the four-digit number.

For example, EM1E0001 is the experimental data for -1 frameshift in eukaryota.
You can search the database by selecting the data type, frameshift type, organism, slippery sequence and key word. Each menu of the data type, frameshift type, organism and slippery sequence lists possible choices to select. By typing one or more key words separated by space in the ‘Keyword’ field, the user can search entries that include the key words in the GenBank definition. For example, typing ‘PHG’ or ‘phg’ allows the user to find all bacteriophages in the virus category of FSDB. All the entries, or those matched to the user selection, are listed in the left pane of the window. If the user clicks a specific list from the listed entries, detailed information about the entry is displayed in the view area of the window (center of the window).
View of a database entry